Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don’t Tell Them They Are Wrong

I am convinced now that nothing good is accomplished and a lot of damage can be done if you tell a person straight out that he or she is wrong. You only succeed in stripping that person of self-dignity and making yourself an unwelcome part of any discussion.

Similarly, letting the other person feel that the idea is his or hers not only works in business and politics, it works in the family life as well.

The next time we are tempted to tell someone he or she is wrong, let’s remember old Socrates and ask a gentle question – a question that will get the ‘yes’ – ‘yes’ response.

The Chinese have a proverb pregnant with the age-old wisdom of the Orient : “He, who treads softly, goes far….”

Don’t argue with your customer or your spouse or your adversary. Don’t tell them they are wrong, don’t get them stirred up. By fighting you never get enough, but by yielding you get more than you expected. Two thousand years ago, Jesus said : “Agree with thine adversary quickly.” Use a little diplomacy. Show respect for the other person’s opinion. Never say, “You are wrong.”

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