Thursday, July 14, 2011

Winning with People – How to make your Employees feel like World Champions

Team Activity:

1. Group Discussion – In your opinion, what are the top three goals that employees seek from their work? Of the three, which one do you feel is the most important?

2. Stop Demotivating Your Employees: Most companies have it all wrong. They don’t     have to motivate their employees. They have to stop demotivating them. The great majority of employees are quite enthusiastic when they start a new job. But in about 85% of companies, employee morale sharply declines after their first six months.

The fault lies squarely at the feet of the management – both the policies and procedures companies employ in managing their workforce and in the relationships that individual managers establish with their direct reports. A research shows how individual manager’s behavior and styles are contributing to the problem and what they can do to turn it around.

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