Saturday, January 14, 2012

Humble People Are More Likely to Help

Need a favor? Approach a humble person, for a study says that they are more likely to help than their arrogant counterparts. Researchers at Baylor University in the US have carried out the study and found that humility is a positive quality with potential benefits. 

Lead author Wade Rowatt said, “ The research indicates that humility is a positive quality with potential benefits. While several factors influence whether people will volunteer to help a fellow human in need, it appears that humble people, on an average, are more helpful than individuals who are egotistical or conceited.”

Humility is associated with the amount of helping time offered, even when the pressure to help is low. It is also associated with traits as modesty, tolerance, being down to earth, respectful and open-minded.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

What is a Customer?

  • A customer is the most important person ever in the office…in person or by mail.

  • A customer is not dependent on us…we are dependent on him.

  •  A customer is not an interruption of our work…he is the purpose of it. We are not doing a favor by serving him…he is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.

  • A customer is not someone to argue or match wits with. Nobody ever won an argument with a customer.

  • A customer is a person who brings us his wants. It is our job to handle them profitably to him and to ourselves.

 Courtesy: Zig Ziglar