Monday, May 14, 2012

How to Retain Old Customers

       Treat your customers like Gold
       Keep them happy
       Communicate with them
       Go the extra mile – solve their problems
       Call up old/existing customers
       Take their Birth Dates
       Ask them about their children, pets, hobbies
       Take the names of their children and pets/use them in your conversation
       Make it a point to wish them on their birthdays
       Break the ice – build a rapport
       Ask them about their experience with the company and your employees
       Listen to their grievances and solve problems
       Tell them about your new products
       Offer them incentives
       Offer freebies
       Make your system/tools user-friendly
       Make them do “Word of Mouth” advertising for you
       Stay in touch – call them, send newsletters every 30/60/90 days
       Ask questions about what they want
       Listen attentively
       Offer solutions
       Know your products well and let your customer know about them too
       Remember the Golden Rule – “People Buy People First”.
       If you and your employees give excellent service to the customer, they will be yours for life.