Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Drop of Honey

Someone once said that a drop of honey attracts more flies than a million gallons of gall. This is true in every sphere of life. When we talk to people with love, respect and empathy; they feel a great amount of gratification and develop an immediate liking for us.

A person who speaks sweet and remains calm under all circumstances is accepted by all. People like such men, and look at them with respect and admiration. Who would not like to be in the company of someone, who does not challenge their integrity and wisdom; and says nice things about them!

People remember you for being gentle and saying kind words to them all their lives. Everybody has their own battles to fight and a kind word comes as a gentle breeze to their parched lives.

Remember to be nice and gentle with everyone you meet. In a world of cold reception, a lovely smile, a warm hand-shake and a kind word creates magic and fills people with love and enthusiasm. 

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