Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Motivator or Manipulator

A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats the little man. The value you place on people determines whether you are a motivator or a manipulator of men. Motivation is moving together for a mutual advantage. Manipulation is moving together for my advantage. That is a substantial difference. With the motivator everybody wins. With the manipulator only the manipulator wins.

To those thoughts I might add that the ‘win’ or ‘victory’ for the manipulator is temporary and the price is prohibitive. This tainted, hollow victory certainly shortcuts the relationship, and in all probability means that you’ve just closed your one and only sale/deal with that prospect/person.

This may make you look good in your sales manager’s eyes, could show up well in the report, and temporarily bring you financial reward, but it definitely short-circuits your move to the top and is a self-destructive approach to a sales career.

Courtesy: Zig Ziglar

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