Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Persistence and Resistance

When problems seem insurmountable, quitting seems to be the easiest way out. It is true for every marriage, job and relationship. Winners are struck but not destroyed. We all have had setbacks in life. Failing does not mean we are failures.

More people fail not because they lack knowledge or talent but because they quit. The total secret of success lies in two words, Persistence and Resistance.  Persist in what must be done and resist what ought not be done.

A man is a hero not because he is braver than others, but because he is brave for ten minutes longer.

There are three kinds of people in this world:

1.    People who make things happen

2.    People who watch things happen

3.    People who wonder what happened.

It depends on us which category we fall into.

: Ralph Waldo Emerson & Shiv Khera

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