You can change your health and thoughts by making some simple, everyday changes in the way you think and act. These include:
A Solution-seeking mind: Keep your mind focused on solutions and ways to feel good. It’s better than submitting to negative thoughts. Feed your mind questions like, ‘What can I do to feel even better now?” or ‘How can I make things even better?” Then do them!
Faith in Life: Surrender to life knowing that all your needs will be met. Trust life. There is nothing to fear.
Bo Good to All: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Respect everyone and everything. See yourself in others.
Gratitude: Be grateful for everything you can. It will bring you more health, happiness and abundance. Keep a gratitude journal.
Love energy: Love heals our body and mind and binds people. Feel love energy within you at all times and extend it outwards. Gratitude with love is the most powerful emotion that heals and creates true happiness and health.
Faith in Yourself: Everything is achievable if you have faith in yourself. You can do anything, only if you think you can.
Happiness, Joy, Laughter and Fun: Keep finding things to be happy about during your day, even if they are small, insignificant thoughts. Laughter and fun can change your own physiology. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
Know yourself and Build Self-Love: Understand yourself. Know what your likes and dislikes are. Identify and remove triggers that stir up negativity. Replace negative thoughts with empowering ones. Remove habits and patterns that are pulling you down and draining your energy. Love yourself, your body, mind and soul.
Giving: If you want something, give it first. Give love, give happiness, give joy, and give money. You will get it all back ten-folds in different ways. Pray for others, compliment them and give them good wishes. Find ways to love more and give more.
Acceptance: Accept yourself and people as they are. Accept situations and things as they are. Then take action on things that you can change, and let go of things you have no control over.